Alive with Purpose + Coaching


Don’t go it alone! Let us help you discover your true self and your purpose

for only $997

A Guided Journey to Reveal Who You Are & Why You’re Here

Having a coach assist you in your quest for purpose is enormously helpful. A coach can give you the confidence and emotional support you need on this important journey of self-discovery. 

After all, finding your purpose is one of the most significant life goals you will ever pursue. It is not only life-enhancing, but life-changing too. 

Having a coach in your corner makes the process more personal, engaging, and meaningful, while helping to ensure your success.

Purpose coaching helps you stay on track, connect more fully with your true self, and tap into your greater potential

Through a variety of techniques and engaging practices, including access to our comprehensive 6-part online program, we will work together to:

  • Undertake a life-assessment

  • Clarify your cares and concerns

  • Identify your core values

  • Uncover your true, underlying motivations

  • Discover and integrate your enneagram personality type 

  • Overcome your fears and obstacles

  • Recognize and confront your subconscious saboteurs 

  • Discover purpose in all Six Dimensions

  • Uncover a theme for your life

  • Envision a new future

Design a life that truly calls to you 

As a certified coach, I am trained to help you identify challenges (often self-imposed), and overcome any resistance or self-doubt that might keep you from finding your purpose and expressing your true self. 

I’ll help you maintain momentum and provide the support you need to resolve any issues and challenges that might arise as you seek your purpose in life. The in-depth online program combined with my personalized one-on-one coaching will provide the guidance you need to ensure success.

Tapping your inner spirit and underlying potential

This is not therapy. There’s no need to dig into dark corners of your past or uncover layers of unconscious remorse. My coaching specifically helps you find a clear way forward from where you are today. Through a process personalized to your particular needs, I provide insightful and heart-based support, guiding you on a safe path to connect with your true self.

I help you tap your intrinsic gifts to reveal what really matters to you in each of the Six Dimensions of Purpose. As we explore each dimension together, you will see how they connect and intertwine, each helping to forge your purpose in life.

Discover your deeper WHY!

Knowing and pursuing your purpose in all Six Dimensions is the way to live a joyful and satisfying life. Only then will you realize an overall theme for your life, an inspiring path to follow, a True North to guide you through the good times as well as times of trouble and transition. Let me help you find your True North so you can live a fuller, happier life.

Let’s connect via phone or Zoom to discuss your current situation and future aspirations. I’m here to help.

Live from a deep sense of knowing who you are

Register now for Alive with Purpose with Coaching and begin living the life you were meant to live.

This may be the most important step you ever take in personal development. It’s guaranteed to make a difference, not just in your life, but in the lives of those around you. 

For more information about living a life of purpose, or to book a free introductory conversation, email me at  

$997 CAD

What’s included:

  • In-depth discovery process

  • Full access to our expanded master class Alive with Purpose with Coaching

  • 6 modules, over 50 video lessons, 30 plus interactive worksheets

  • A digital or paperback copy of our book The Six Dimensions of Purpose: A New Perspective for Living a Purposeful Life

  • The Purpose Pyramid and other proprietary self-development technologies

  • Expert 1-on-1 personal coaching

  • A personalized Enneagram personality profile

  • Your very own Purposphere revealing your unique WHY

  • Guided meditations and bonus materials

  • Email support from the program facilitators

  • Your own Purpose Manifesto to help activate your purpose in your life

  • Full year access to start and end on your own schedule

  • 30-day money back guarantee