Who we are


For Individuals

We are certified guides who train and coach individuals to discover and fulfill their own unique purpose and to experience a more meaningful life.

We’re not gurus or therapists.

For Organizations

We are experienced consultants who advise and support organizations and teams to embed purpose throughout their world – from the inside out.

We’re not HR professionals or administrators.

For Employees

We are advisors and mentors who coach and inspire employees to figure out their own purpose and find ways to make work more meaningful.

We’re not recruiters or watchdogs.

Charlie James

CEO & Co-Founder Greater Meaning; Certified Integral and Purpose Coach; Mental Fitness Trainer

Charlie’s purpose in life is “to bring people closer to the light.” How that shows up depends on the individual. It might be connecting with their true self, their inner nature. Or it might be uncovering their special gifts and abilities. Or even embarking on their quest for enlightenment. We all have a light to bring to the world.

With a business degree from London, and spending over 20 years climbing the corporate ladder in marketing and business management, Charlie discovered that success was not quite what she’d expected.  So she quit her VP position at a large national company and began her quest for greater meaning.

After graduating from UBC’s Sustainability Leadership program, and with her eyes opened wide to the devastating consequences of global warming, she became a passionate advocate for the environment and sustainable business. As a sustainability consultant, leading workshops and speaking at conferences across North America, she spearheaded the first national green certification program for the Canadian tourism industry.

Giving her heart, soul, and best efforts to convince industry leaders to expand their focus from profit to planet she spent hours talking to them one-on-one. Listening to their hopes, fears, and dreams for the future of their family, their business, their community, and our planet, Charlie discovered her true calling:

“To help people look inside themselves to find their bigger purpose, and step outside themselves to create a more joyful and fulfilling life."

Applying this passion to both individuals and organizations, Charlie is now a certified Integral and purpose coach. Using her extraordinary intuition and positive intelligence training, she brings an insightful and empowering perspective to everything she does at Greater Meaning.

William Koty

Sensemaker & Co-Founder Greater Meaning; Program Director Emeritus, University of British Columbia

William’s purpose in life is “to push through boundaries and be a way-shower for others.” He does that by writing and creating educational opportunities that make a difference, a positive impact for others.

Never satisfied with the status quo and eager to explore what’s possible, William has always focused on innovative technology and educational solutions. From creating the UBC W.R.I.T.E. conferences and the UBC Certificate in Internet Marketing (based on his innovative participation marketing framework) and founding the International Internet Marketing Association in the 90’s, to the establishment of the UBC Continuing Studies Centre for Sustainability in the 2000s, William continues to explore what-is and what could be.

That curiosity launched the first-ever web-based online course in Canada in 1995—Mastering Cyberspace: A Guide to the World Wide Web—and led William to design several award-winning higher education programs. He has delivered numerous workshops and talks concerning technology and society, and served five years on the British Columbia Premier’s Technology Council in which he authored Ahead of the Future: Report on the Emerging Technology Research Project. Today at Greater Meaning, William continues to innovate as co-creator of our Discover Your Purpose, Fulfilling Your Purpose, and Alive with Purpose programs, and is the inspiration behind the Six Dimensions of Purpose™.

Forever fascinated by philosophy, psychology and human potential, and fueled by his concern for the future of humanity, William pours his energy into creating programs and resources that inspire people to build a better life for themselves and others.

Sheila Arellano

Social Maven & Storyteller

Sheila believes in the power of purpose and storytelling. She sees purpose as the light that shows the way to our true selves. She is passionate about guiding people on their journey to ignite their calling, which is why she loves creating meaningful communities on social media that focus on storytelling and purpose. She has written two books and published poetry and short fiction in various literary magazines.

She invites you to join us in the world of Greater Meaning to create a diverse and purposeful community permeated with compassion and kindness.